Journey of Life… ’99
"I am truly and deeply touched by your letters and support… thank you so much… Music is an eminent part of my life… and I genuinely love and enjoy, writing and creating… Music enables me to share and express my deepest thoughts and feelings and helps provides a sense of purpose and direction in my life… and I would really like to thank you for allowing me to share it with you….
I am fascinated with life and all it's wonders… I believe in God, and I believe in love; however, I know and have seen the power and reality of destruction and the power of hate… Yet, I believe in dreams and hopes without limited imagination. Playing and composing music gives me a temporary freedom to escape the perplexities of life and find refuge… allowing me to believe in my hopes and dreams. For me… music envelops an atmosphere of stillness and serenity and allows me to take the time to reflect on things that are most important to me.
For me, life's journey is a doorway into an abstract world, which embraces many paths to choose from… Some embark phenomenal discoveries, while others are filled with arduous complexities… When exploring these paths, we have the opportunity to gain new insights, perspectives and obtain answers to some of life's mysteries…
Take hold of your passions deep within, escape from the darkness of the unknown… and ensue the light on the pathway of life… What you are able to attain, is limited only
by your imagination…
To me, music is a part of Life's Journey, it adds something very significant to our lives and touches the very essence of our human spirit, which enables us to explore our emotions, imagination and our inner self… allowing us to be taken on an enigmatic and phantasmal journey… reaching beyond all emotions… Take hold of your passions, ensue the light… follow your dreams, through the journey of life…. Sandy"