By Vic Gemmingen -Renegade
Born in Hannibal, Missouri (the home of Mark Twain), Sandra Phillips is a St. Louis-based independent instrumental artist, composer, and vocalist. Her first CD Emotions of life, is an ethereal fusion of New Age, modern Jazz, and R&B. Her second release, Life's Journey, will be released in 2000. In addition to regular performances in the St. Louis area, she has toured recently throughout the Gulf Coast. Sandra's talent stretches the boundaries of what one might expect from a performer still in college. Her compositions are consistently literate, well produced, and well performed by a talented backing band. And, while her contemporaries may write tunes of existential angst and woe, Sandra's music is unswervingly positive. As a result, her fan base is quite large, and (thanks to the WWW) always growing.
An element common to many of Sandy's tracks is a searching quality: "For me, writing a song is like unraveling a mystery," she says, "an enigmatic experience. What inspires me are love and hope and some of my own life experiences,combined with elements of fantasy. There are parts of my life written in each song, but also parts of my imagination as well."
Sandra continues: "I would have to say that I need to feel inspired… The melody has to be engaging and enduring enough to stay with me and touch my heart…almost surreal." Her composition process? "Usually, I just sit down at the piano and begin playing melodies. Then the melodies begin to take on a rhythm; the music then transcends into a song…" Songs on Emotions of Life, and her upcoming follow-up Life's Journey.
Sandra goes on: "Life's Journey will again be taken from emotions and pieces of my life, composed of elements drawn from various sources – very eclectic. Also, for the first time I will have both instrumental and vocal tracks on this album, which is something new for me. The genre will reflect mostly pop rock and R&B."
Sandra is an artist who reflects upon her life's experiences: "Each of my songs are inspired and motivated from emotions moved by real circumstances and events in my life." A real person who cares about her audience ("I am touched deeply by everyone that has written and supported me, and I would like to say thank you very much"). Sandra Phillips brings a unique sound and vision to the St. Louis music scene, and to the national New Age scene at large. She is worthy of industry attention.
For more information, check out the interview with H.E.E.T MAGAZINE!